Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Competition Kid

I was in my bedroom, reading my TWO favourite stories,

when I heard a VERY loud noise coming from outside.

I thought it was probably just a BIG spaceship flying past, so I carried on reading.

I only had a few pages to finish when Mum started SHOUTING at me to come


“HURRY UP!” she called.

What now, I wondered?

Mum sounded a bit cross.

“Have you been entering competitions again?” she asked me,

while pointing to the doorway.

“NO I haven’t!” I said. (Which was true – not since the last time.)

“Then what do you call THIS?”


I had no idea what was in the box. It could have been toys, games, money or even a console. But I had no idea! Then I realised I had entered a competition. I must've won! The next morning, at 2:54 am, I crept down to open the box. What the things inside it were? I had no idea. Hundreds of little creatures came out holding a note. The note said 'Ha-ha. You thought you won a competition. Instead, you won ants!' I felt like I was about to explode. Only one person would send me these. That would be my enemy, Frank. The next day at school, I saw Frank. As always, we didn’t speak to each other. I looked at him and he laughed at me. With hundreds of loose ants around my house, what could I do? Ask Frank to come and collect them? He would never do that. I could do something naughty in school and blame him. I decided I would do graffiti on the classroom walls at break time, when no one would be there. When I was doing this I heard the door open and there was the Head Teacher, watching me graffiti the classroom. I was in such big trouble. I got expelled! I wonder what my mum would’ve thought of this. I told the Head Teacher that Frank had sent me a box of ants and I was getting revenge. That (obviously) didn’t help. The next day I was in the local newspaper. There was a shop dedicated to chalk which had to shut down as no one wanted to be seen with chalk anymore. When I got home, I realised it wasn’t from Frank. I had posted myself the box. It was my handwriting. I posted it a year ago and I never received it. I just got expelled while getting revenge on myself. How could I have been so stupid? That was the worst day of my life!

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